Ralph Real Estate Appraisal, Inc. - Shelby County Fee Schedule

Additional Fee for Fayette & Tipton County Appraisals - $50.00


Fees stated are usual and customary base fees only. Those properties on acreage, in remote areas, or which are complex, unique, or high-end may require an additional charge.  Appraiser will quote.


Description of Appraisal Services                                              

Base Fee

 Conventional URAR Form 1004   $450.00
 Conventional URAR Form 1004 (over 5,000 sq ft)  $500.00-1250.00
 FHA URAR Form 1004  $500.00
 Conventional Condo Form 1073  $450.00
 Conventional Exterior Only Condo Form 1075  $375.00
 2-4 Family Residential Appraisal Form 1025 (Duplex)  $600.00
 2-4 Family Residential Appraisal Form 1025 (Tri-Plex)  $600.00
 2-4 Family Residential Appraisal Form 1025 (4-Plex)  $600.00
 Form 2055/2065 Exterior  - Subject & Comp Photos  $375.00
 Form 2070/2075 Exterior  - Subject Photos  $275.00
 Relocation Appraisal Form ERC, Exclusive of Mailing Costs  $600.00
 Single Family Rent Schedule Form 1007  $150.00
 Operating Income Schedule Form 216


 REO Addendum  $150.00
 Desk Review  $200.00
 Field Review  $325.00+
 Retrospective Exterior Field Review  $350.00
 Retrospective Interior Field Review  $475.00
 Land Appraisal  $350.00+
 Lot Appraisal  $250.00
 Appraisal Update  $200.00
 Completion Report Form 1004D (Shelby County)  $150.00
 Completion Report Form 1004D (Fayette & Tipton  Counties)  $175.00
 Trip Charge/Inspection Fee  $200.00
 REALTOR Measurement (up to 4,000 sq ft)  $225.00
 REALTOR Measurement (4,000-5,000 sq ft)  $250.00
 REALTOR Measurement (over 5,000 sq ft)  $300.00
Fees listed above include form 1004MC.